
Like for example, if you got a very good long term relationship before, finding a new relationship would be a bit difficult because more often you want something more than what you had. Basically, a better guy is the prefect choice. It goes the same with your career. After leaving one job, you look for a another job that is fullfiling or a job that has a better pay.
Redefining one thing is a normal act of a person. We may have our own definitions of our own desires, but still, there will always be a redefinition of these wants. One experience will help us redesign the things we long for by applying the lessons we learned in the past. As a result, we will come up with another definition of what we want. The point is: Not until we are satisfied with everything in life that we wish for and everything what we already achieved, then all those desires, plans, wants, dreams, and wishes will always be REDEFINED to complete our very own satisfactions and thus, to get the better versions of what we had before. Achieving all these needs maturity and responsibility. If you want to move on and left your past behind then go for it. If you want a better life then start redefining your failures because failures exist to challenge you to aim for the better things. We all deserve a beautiful life in this world. When will we realize that life is too short? And the best time to start redefining and start thinking for what is best for you is now? Make the best of your life while we are still alive, because this may be the one and only chance we have.