
20 qershor 2007


In life, we have two kinds of experiences and generally these experiences are those we treasure and those we regret the most. Some are really good that we wish to go back in those times or wish to experience something like that at the present or in the future. But some experiences are really bad that we can not avoid the mark that it left in our hearts and we religiously wish it never happened. But whatever experiences we had, even with our failures, there are always lessons learned. Happy or Not, we always want something better.

Like for example, if you got a very good long term relationship before, finding a new relationship would be a bit difficult because more often you want something more than what you had. Basically, a better guy is the prefect choice. It goes the same with your career. After leaving one job, you look for a another job that is fullfiling or a job that has a better pay.

Redefining one thing is a normal act of a person. We may have our own definitions of our own desires, but still, there will always be a redefinition of these wants. One experience will help us redesign the things we long for by applying the lessons we learned in the past. As a result, we will come up with another definition of what we want. The point is: Not until we are satisfied with everything in life that we wish for and everything what we already achieved, then all those desires, plans, wants, dreams, and wishes will always be REDEFINED to complete our very own satisfactions and thus, to get the better versions of what we had before. Achieving all these needs maturity and responsibility. If you want to move on and left your past behind then go for it. If you want a better life then start redefining your failures because failures exist to challenge you to aim for the better things. We all deserve a beautiful life in this world. When will we realize that life is too short? And the best time to start redefining and start thinking for what is best for you is now? Make the best of your life while we are still alive, because this may be the one and only chance we have.

Fashion World

Fashion is life. It grows and nourished within people's lives. Your appearance is the mere reflection of the fashion that lies within you. From your choice of foods to your choices of music, fashion is written all over you. Since the day we realize our existence in this world we already have the influence of fashion from our parents, family, homes and to the society where we belong. People since time immemorial were already conscious with how they would appear to be with others. And until now, Fashion is still alive and even making another "world" for all the "fashionistas". The term fashionista refers to the people who have the habit of changing the style of clothing worn. They are the people who wear clothes that fits for their personality that no matter how simple or how creative it is they still carry it with justice. The term is refer to someone who slavishly follows the current fashions.Fashions may vary significantly within a society according to age, social class, generation, occupation and geography as well as over time. If, for example, an older person dresses according to the fashion of young people, he or she may look ridiculous in the eyes of both young and older people.

As the world is changing so fast, fashion becomes complex and changing too. Fashion, by definition, changes constantly. Young people, most of all, enjoy the changing because they like the idea of trying something new and interesting. Media has a lot of thing to do about how hot fashion is wherever you are in the planet. Magazines, newspapers, television and other form of media are the most effective way to reach every people from different walks of life and from different parts of the world.

Here are some of the fashion quotes from the top fashionistas:

I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes. I had one thousand and sixty.
- Imelda Marcos

A fashion is merely a form of ugliness so unbearable that we are compelled to alter it every six months.
- Oscar Wilde

About half my designs are controlled fantasy, 15 percent are total madness and the rest are bread-and-butter designs.
- Manolo Blahni

I don't do fashion, I am fashion.
- Coco Chanel

A good model can advance fashion by ten years.
- Yves Saint Laurent

I don't design clothes. I design dreams.
- Ralph Lauren

The goal I seek is to have people refine their style through my clothing without having them become victims of fashion.
- Giorgio Armani

In these days, fashion has become the instrument of expressing one self. The clothes they wear allow them to express their emotions and solidarity of other people in millenia. Fashion also influence music. The choices of the songs people like are reflected by what they wear. Rockers, rappers, punks, pop singers and followers have some distinct styles that are different from each group. According to "One can regard the system of sporting various fashions as a fashion language incorporating various fashion statements using a grammar of fashion."