HOLLYWOOD, the home of the most gorgeous men in the world. We see our favorite actors in everything we want to see them. They satisfy in our dreams of beautiful smiles, sharp looks, and hot bodies. We share our emotions with them...and we are inlove with them as we watch every movies they have. Life would be so boring without these men who complete our fantasies. Let them join you in your dreams...
In the parade of these very very hot hunks...i got 10 picks that suit my personal choice of physical beauty...taste of fashion...superb talents...oooozing sex appeals!!!
So brace up and enjoy the moment with MY TOP 10 HOTTEST GUYS....

1. BRAD PITT = sex appeal plus hot body...he got 'em all...sooo veryyy hotttt!!!

2. JOHNNY DEPP = now you tell me you didn't melt with that teasing look in his eyes...papalicioussssss!!

3. TOM CRUISE = the camera loves him...every view of him is a perfect angle...love yeah tommy baby!

= his handsome face tells it all...no one will argue to that...he visits me in my dreams at night...ohhh my dreamssss!!!

5.WENTWORTH MILLER - a FOX!! the kind of guy you want to be with everywhere ...this Prison Break hot hunk knows how to electrified your chair...execute me plsss!!!

6. CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY - if not the hottest, definitely one of the hottest young star today...this boy is the favorite toy of everyone...promising and good looking!!

7. VIN DIESEL = his mucles looks good in him...he got the animalistic appeal...a very manly charisma...bitches hunt him...and im one of them...mmmmmmmm!!

8. JOSH HARTNETT = ohhh josshhh you are the man that can heat up our desires...look at that sizzling appeal!!

9. JUDE LAW = his eyes complete your incompleteness...he is also one of the best dressed actor...i love everything about him...the total package is excellent!

10. ORLANDO BLOOM = my LEGOLAS...with his pretty face...i cant help thinking about him in a day...with his bow and arrow...he hit my heart without escape!!!
No argument is needed...everyone agrees...everyone is on heat with these hit and hot guys...now feel the wild sweat all over you...start the journey of your fantasy...