Gay Pride Gay Power

History of Gay Pride

Many gays and lesbians dress in bright colors, head-to-toe leather or sometimes next to nothing. But regardless of the attire, all of the participants join the festivities to remind the world that gays deserve the same rights as others and people should be free to live their own lifestyle, void of judgement or hate. Gay pride is also a symbol of solidarity and an opportunity to express the vivid personalities which reflect the diverse gay communities throughout the world. During this time (and in many places year round), the skies are covered with the gay pride flags and banners, the symbol of gay solidarity and freedom.

Meaning and History of The Gay Pride or Rainbow Flag
The gay pride flag was designed by Gilbert Baker and debuted at the 1978 San Francisco Gay and Lesbian Freedom Day Parade. It's inspiration came from the black civil rights and hippie movements. Each color on the gay pride flag has as different meaning. Test your knowledge below.
Rainbow Pride Flag |
RED = Life |
ORANGE = Healing |
YELLOW = Sun |
GREEN = Nature |
ROYAL BLUE = Harmony |
VIOLET = Spirit |
Adding a black stripe to the bottom of the flag represents victory over AIDS. It can also signify leather daddy pride.
Join Gay Pride! Tell the World Who You Are and Have Gay Days for the Rest of Your Life!