by: Miss Universe 1000 BC of Missosology
There are many mysteries of life that cannot be answered by the mind & logical faculties as the brain is limited to work only maximum 8% in this current era scientifically proven. But you can surely start developing the higher powers of the mind by meditation where divine energy and knowledge flows directly into you.
I tried to meditate on the reason why people become homosexuals. The answer is they are just paying off a heavy debt of karma from their past lives. Jesus taught reincarnation but this teaching was concealed by the Priests in Medieval times distorting many infos like these. It was finally proven that Jesus indeed taught reincarnation when archeologists found Scrolls of Jesus's teachings in a Cave near the Dead Sea(Visit http://www.themystica.com/mystica/artic ... jesus.html or Google "Jesus taught reincarnation according to the Dead Sea Scrolls", thousand of links will appear). Technically I am Christian, I believe Christ existed but I do not follow Christianity 100% as many of the original informations have been distorted, so I prefer find my way on my own because following a religion simply because your parents did, is just like aping. If Jesus, Mohamad & Buddha didn't breakaway from the religions their parents were following perhaps these 3 major religions would not have existed today.
KARMA (Cosmic Reaction & Retribution)
HOMOSEXUALS(Their Negative Karma & Punishment): There are 2 main types of homosexuals;

1.The 1st one which is the gay who dresses normally like a man but he still is sexually attracted by men. This type of homosexual was a very beautiful female in his past life but who unfortunately abused of her beauty in his past life and broke too many hearts of men who really loved him in his past life when he was a woman.

2.The 2nd one is a homosexual who dresses OFFICIALLY in woman in daily life. Contrary to the other type of homosexual who may dresses in female rarely, this homosexual dresses permanently in female dresses. The sin he commited when he was female in his previous life was also abusing of his Beauty and indulging in 'PROSTITUTION', as a retribution of karma he becomes a transvestite in this current life.
Generally those who commited these kinds of sins of abusing of Beauty & Sexual Intercourse pay back their karmic debts in 3 major ways;
1.Become a very ugly woman.
2.Born in an extremist muslim country as a woman deprived of sexual freedom. (That's why many of us hate the muslim religion, one of our past lives we should have had decided to use this form of payment[karma] where perhaps we had a bad experience for example: Being beheaded)
3.Become a homosexual where your female soul(feminine energy) will be imprisonned in a male body, to balance off male energy lacking and its sins. (This form of payment in itself is subdivided into 2 types: Normal gays/Transvestites.

In the deepest reality, prostitution is sacred and was a noble job in the time of Ancient Greece, Phoenicia & Ancient Egypt. We do not take only 1 lifetime or 2 but many lives and us, as being obssessed by Beauty Pageants(Note that Beauty pageant is an indirect & diplomatic form of prostitution) definitely should have had been a prostitute, geisha or courtesan(High Class Prostitute) in several of our past lives. Men were inferior to women in the previous era as men did not have psychic/spiritual powers as women did. Man is Physical/Mental where as Woman is Emotional/Psychic-Spiritual. In this age women are bereft(deprived) of their Psychic & Spiritual abilities, that's why men is now superior to women overwhelming women with his Physical & Mental faculties. In the previous age, it was reverse. Women had their Psychic-Spiritual powers fully activated which overwhelmed the physical/mental faculties of men. Coming back to prostitution, Men were too weak to reach GOD on his own via Meditation, so they needed the help of women to climb to GOD via "DIVINE PROSTITUTION". In this current age, prostitutes have become very cheap and they misuse this Divine Power they no longer how to use simply for lust, that's why they are punished by the law of karma in their consecutive life as a transvestite/drag queen/transexual.
My friend of U.K told me he is very sad and frustrated he is born male as his dreams to become a Miss is shattered. There should be many like him, I just have to advise you there is nothing to be sad of. Beauty Pageant fans who come & go in this forum are 100% directly controlled by the Planet of Beauty, Venus. Indirectly meaning you should have had been a very beautiful girl in your past life. Those who do not believe in reincarnation are in serious trouble as they will damn everything and find the crude reality of life difficult to digest. Remember one thing, You all were females & Super Beauties in your past lives. You just have to be patient now, because in this current life you just paying back your negative karma & it's only for 1 lifetime, in your next life, you will become female again but next time don't abuse of your beauty by breaking hearts of men or indulging in lechery, or again, you will get karmic reaction.
I tried to meditate on the reason why people become homosexuals. The answer is they are just paying off a heavy debt of karma from their past lives. Jesus taught reincarnation but this teaching was concealed by the Priests in Medieval times distorting many infos like these. It was finally proven that Jesus indeed taught reincarnation when archeologists found Scrolls of Jesus's teachings in a Cave near the Dead Sea(Visit http://www.themystica.com/mystica/artic ... jesus.html or Google "Jesus taught reincarnation according to the Dead Sea Scrolls", thousand of links will appear). Technically I am Christian, I believe Christ existed but I do not follow Christianity 100% as many of the original informations have been distorted, so I prefer find my way on my own because following a religion simply because your parents did, is just like aping. If Jesus, Mohamad & Buddha didn't breakaway from the religions their parents were following perhaps these 3 major religions would not have existed today.
KARMA (Cosmic Reaction & Retribution)
HOMOSEXUALS(Their Negative Karma & Punishment): There are 2 main types of homosexuals;
1.The 1st one which is the gay who dresses normally like a man but he still is sexually attracted by men. This type of homosexual was a very beautiful female in his past life but who unfortunately abused of her beauty in his past life and broke too many hearts of men who really loved him in his past life when he was a woman.
2.The 2nd one is a homosexual who dresses OFFICIALLY in woman in daily life. Contrary to the other type of homosexual who may dresses in female rarely, this homosexual dresses permanently in female dresses. The sin he commited when he was female in his previous life was also abusing of his Beauty and indulging in 'PROSTITUTION', as a retribution of karma he becomes a transvestite in this current life.
Generally those who commited these kinds of sins of abusing of Beauty & Sexual Intercourse pay back their karmic debts in 3 major ways;
1.Become a very ugly woman.
2.Born in an extremist muslim country as a woman deprived of sexual freedom. (That's why many of us hate the muslim religion, one of our past lives we should have had decided to use this form of payment[karma] where perhaps we had a bad experience for example: Being beheaded)
3.Become a homosexual where your female soul(feminine energy) will be imprisonned in a male body, to balance off male energy lacking and its sins. (This form of payment in itself is subdivided into 2 types: Normal gays/Transvestites.
In the deepest reality, prostitution is sacred and was a noble job in the time of Ancient Greece, Phoenicia & Ancient Egypt. We do not take only 1 lifetime or 2 but many lives and us, as being obssessed by Beauty Pageants(Note that Beauty pageant is an indirect & diplomatic form of prostitution) definitely should have had been a prostitute, geisha or courtesan(High Class Prostitute) in several of our past lives. Men were inferior to women in the previous era as men did not have psychic/spiritual powers as women did. Man is Physical/Mental where as Woman is Emotional/Psychic-Spiritual. In this age women are bereft(deprived) of their Psychic & Spiritual abilities, that's why men is now superior to women overwhelming women with his Physical & Mental faculties. In the previous age, it was reverse. Women had their Psychic-Spiritual powers fully activated which overwhelmed the physical/mental faculties of men. Coming back to prostitution, Men were too weak to reach GOD on his own via Meditation, so they needed the help of women to climb to GOD via "DIVINE PROSTITUTION". In this current age, prostitutes have become very cheap and they misuse this Divine Power they no longer how to use simply for lust, that's why they are punished by the law of karma in their consecutive life as a transvestite/drag queen/transexual.
My friend of U.K told me he is very sad and frustrated he is born male as his dreams to become a Miss is shattered. There should be many like him, I just have to advise you there is nothing to be sad of. Beauty Pageant fans who come & go in this forum are 100% directly controlled by the Planet of Beauty, Venus. Indirectly meaning you should have had been a very beautiful girl in your past life. Those who do not believe in reincarnation are in serious trouble as they will damn everything and find the crude reality of life difficult to digest. Remember one thing, You all were females & Super Beauties in your past lives. You just have to be patient now, because in this current life you just paying back your negative karma & it's only for 1 lifetime, in your next life, you will become female again but next time don't abuse of your beauty by breaking hearts of men or indulging in lechery, or again, you will get karmic reaction.